Monday 12 September 2011

Nature's child

My dearest M,
Spring has well and truly sprung, the days suddenly filled with yawning azure sky, and a sun so warm your skin feels alive with the season change.
Winter was spent inside, industriously submerged in technology and career pursuits. Every day now, the warmth and new joy beckons just outside the window. Thoughts of mile long beaches, sun shining through trees and daydreams of laying in the grass, making pretty pictures in the clouds interrupts industrious labour.  
As I develop a stronger dependence on technology, and all the convenience and possibility it brings, I find myself moving my living back outside to reconnect with my innate, natural self. Long afternoons spent picnicking under sighing trees, climbing out of bed and into bathers to rush into winter-cold waves. All these things conspire to calm my being, and bloom my creativity.

As an adjunct to this love of the natural, the idea of the supernatural nature-dwelling creature fascinates me. Something conjured from human imagination, from a love (and perhaps fear) of nature – from which we as humans have separated ourselves most pointedly. It is this enchantment that lead to me exploring the notion of the forest nymph within - frolicking, child-like, pure nature appreciation.  I explored this in a modern context – what would it look like if you found a modern forest nymph? What would she be wearing? How would be carry herself? Bear and I had a lot of fun. It was the most perfect day since summer, and we lapped up the warmth, the forest and the wide, sparkling river.
Flower crown - Diva. Shirt, bandeau, shoes - Modo, KL.
Bag - Gifted.

Spirithood in Wolf -

I hope you too are enjoying the sunning warmth sweetest.

Squirrel Nutmeg

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