Sunday 6 November 2011


Darling M,
I am so sorry I have abandoned you for so long. I am going to plead not-entirely-to-blame due to having been consistently blighted with tenacious illness, and an ever-increasing imbalance in my eternal quest for a “work/life balance”. My friends claim I have gone rather M.I.A, and living with Bear doesn’t seem to aid opportunity for regular heart-to-heart communication either. It is all rather ho-hum and causing some serious reassessment of lifestyle (or lack thereof) and circumstances. My biggest downfall is that I am still keen on being Master of My Own Destiny (read: owning my own business), and so continue to plug along accompanied by a vague hope that I have made the right call (desperately hoping that I haven’t turned left, when the sign clearly said right). We all live and learn though, and such is the journey.
To aid in fixing these sad and sorry worn-out workaholic circumstances, I have hit upon a new love. Creative Outlet. It’s where it’s at. Being creative for the pure sake of being creative is soul-food – it is yoga for my spirit. Goodness me, it is why I started writing to you in the first place. I needed to stretch my metaphysical legs. As an extension of this, I have discovered I need more creative license in my life. This is where baking, cooking, designing and sewing comes in. Yep, that’s right, I am finding comfort in creative domesticity. Who would have thought that was possible of me.